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411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23


Yard Party Rental’s goal is to provide the easiest and best services so you can focus on your celebration/event. We are a mother-son duo who are dedicated to spreading love and bringing joyful, positive messages to your neighborhood.


  As a previous business owner of a successful event planning company and a full-time project manager, creating Yard Party Rental is a natural start for me. With Yard Party I can help you celebrate any special occasion while utilizing my creativity and project management skills to create and design our own yard displays. As a mother to an amazing young man, I love to mentor and teach him valuable life skills along the way. When my son Daniel expressed to me that he wants to own a business when he grows up, I knew Yard Party Rental would be an excellent opportunity to teach him the value of hard work, while providing him first-hand experience in entrepreneurial skills, as well as, adding fun into the world. 

Yard Party Rentals


Hi! I’m Daniel and I am EXCITED to have my very own business!! When my Mom mentioned creating our own yard sign company, I loved the idea! I can learn how to run a business, be creative AND spread positive messages in our neighborhood. Cool! I’ve been involved with every step of the business so far – picking the business name, designing our logo, making this website, marketing, sign setup and tear down, and financial management. I’m excited to learn more about running this business as it grows. When I’m not working on orders for Yard Party Rental, I love to build with my Legos, play basketball, watch superhero movies/cartoons (Robin and Raven from Teen Titans are my current favorites), do art projects and write short stories. 

Yard Party Rentals


Yard Party Rentals

 We are excited to serve our local Maryland neighborhoods, schools and businesses in Howard County, Baltimore County and the surrounding areas within a 15-mile radius from zip code 21045. If your Yard Party rental request is beyond 15 miles, an additional mileage fee will be applied to the order 


Yard Party Rentals

1 CORINTHIANS 16:13-14 (NIV)

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.  Do everything in love.